Why obtaining a Franchise Business Loan may be better than paying cash

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Picture of Don Johnson

Don Johnson

Don Johnson has over 25 years of business ownership experience having owned and sold two successful businesses. Don has been involved in business and franchise lending for over 20 years as an owner of Diamond Financial Services (New Jersey office) as well as Principal and Director of Business Development for A. B. Nicholas, LLC, a specialty lending firm.

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With our experience in franchise lending for over 20 years, a common question to us and what a franchise investor is sometimes unsure of is if it is better to obtain a franchise business loan or simply pay cash, which is faster and easier?

  1. Preserve Cash (for cash reserve and for future loan pre-qualification). It is never good to be low in cash. Franchise Lenders need to see down payment funds available.
  2. Build Business Credit – Besides building personal credit, it is important to build business credit to allow for more and better funding options down the road.
  3. Need Working Capital – Obtaining bank financing allows for additional loan proceeds for cash reserve (extra important for start-ups), instead of using personal funds.
  4. Improve Expansion Capital Option – (Emergency Funds) There is less chance to use personal cash (at a later time), you never know down the line when having cash reserve will be needed. Use personal cash (being saved) for other investments or for personal expenses.
  5. Additional Investments – It is always a good idea to keep your business expansion options open for future franchise loan opportunities needs and have multiple income streams to increase revenue.
  6. Having Earlier Bank(s) relationship history speeds up Company expansion with additional loan(s). Leverage expansion at a faster rate.
  7. Mental Aspect less pressure on you emotionally and on your business having surplus cash in bank – stay motivated, not stressed…. Make more money being confident!
  8. “Cash is King” Having more personal and business cash is always a formula for short and long-term business success.

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